All musicians are shaped by other gifted minstrels. Here are some of the folks who have had a huge impact on what I do:
• Some players I listen to and really dig on flute are:
Eric Dolphy, Sam Most, Jeremy Steig, Nicola Stilo, Maraca and Robert Dick.
• Some players I listen to and really dig on alto are:
Eric Dolphy, Frank Strozier, Sonny Criss, Eric Kloss amd Bunky Green.
• I also really like:
Steely Dan, Kate Bush, Neil Young, Leon Russell and Todd Rundgren.
• Some classical composers whose music has affected me deeply are:
Hindimith, Mahler, Schoenberg, Messiaen and Delius.
Music Samples
And Here are a few of my music offerings to add to the mix:
• My Funny Valentine
• Blues for Scheurer
• Magdelena’s Musette – Part II
• Hampton’s Pulpit 1
• Sasha
Funk Jazz
• Sand In Your Face
• Bach Prelude No. 12
• Telemann1